Is There a Difference…

…between confidence and spunk?

The reason I’m posing this question is that a friend of mine, Rachel, was told by a friend of hers, Warren, that he finds her sexy.  Why?  Because she’s confident.

I posed the question of what a guy finds sexy in a woman to my friend Allan and he gave me an answer in one word.  Spunk.  And for the record, according to Allan, spunk and confidence are not the same thing.  I have given up trying to convince him that they are because he did raise some very valid points.

He says that there is nothing wrong with a confident woman, however sometimes, when a woman is confident, she may be perceived as aggressive.  His exact words were, “when a confident woman works into the room, she demands something from it, and that may cause her to be perceived as aggressive.  Spunk, on the other hand, is innovative, adventurous and spontaneous.”

And here I was, thinking I’m (according to Allan’s destination) spunky.  I know for a fact that I am not adventurous, but I do have some innovation on my side and spontanaity.  Does that make me “conflunky”. 

Hmmm, conflunky.  Sounds like a good synonym for misfit.  BUT, does that make me sexy?  I will just have to don my red shoes and go out dancing on Saturday night to find out.  I will be demanding something from the room though…and that is a good night out, and maybe a spontaneous kiss (or two!).  After all…I’m conflunky (and in desperate need of a good night out).

7 thoughts on “Is There a Difference…

  1. theonlycin May 27, 2010 / 6:19 am

    I think spunk is not possible without an underlying confidence?

    • Mid-Thirty Misfit May 27, 2010 / 1:26 pm

      I agree Cindy…I must admit though, I am watching my “aggression” levels.

  2. granny1947 May 27, 2010 / 11:46 am

    I am with Cin here…spunk comes from liking yourself.
    Conflunky…lovely word….must find an opportunity to use it!

    • Mid-Thirty Misfit May 27, 2010 / 1:28 pm

      Granny – I have a whole list of words of my own…like overcloudy (cross between overcast and cloudy) and walkling (toddler).

  3. Adeeyoyo May 31, 2010 / 8:02 am

    I agree with all of them, MTM!

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